Tien Shan
The Pyrenees
Wildlife at Leisure
Tours that take the strain out of enjoying Europe’s flora and fauna! Tours under this banner will be based in a single good-quality hotel. Most importantly, field trips will be kept to a maximum of six or so hours, giving you plenty of time to relax before and after. Direct flights (there’s also a short internal flight on the Gotland tour) are available from some regional airports.
A beguiling patchwork of old meadows, woodlands, fens and meres marked at regular intervals by the tall spires of Gothic churches gives Gotland’s countryside a reassuringly permanent feel. Limestone pavement hosts profuse shows of Bloody Cranesbill. Cranes call from boggy woodlands, decorated with prolific stands of elegant Lady’s-slipper Orchid. Gotland is famous for its Orchids. There’s abundant stately Military Orchids and many species of Marsh Orchid, Fly Orchids with ten flowers a spike, tiny Lesser Twayblades, rare Spitzel’s Orchid and diminutive Coralroot Orchid. Birdseye Primrose and German Asphodel fringe lakes over which hunt Harriers, Hobbies and White-tailed Eagles. On fantastic Stora Karlso we’ll find ourselves right in the heart of a twelve-thousand pair breeding colony of Guillemots and Razorbills and off Gotland’s peaceful headlands nest Barnacle Geese, Ruff and Avocets.
Northern Chequered Skipper and Woodland Browns frequent woodland rides where lurk intriguing Viking Stone Boats. Picture Stones carved with runes are everywhere and so too are Viking forts – well-preserved examples of the former we’ll also see in Visby’s Museum. Visby is Gotland’s capital and was once one of Europe’s most important medieval cities. The results of a golden age of trade under the Hanseatic League can still be seen today in a colourfully painted town centre dating from this period. Gotland’s peaceful orchid-filled countryside and its evident links to its past make the island a fascinating and entrancing destination.
Dates and Prices
2nd June - 9th June 2025 (8 days)
* doesn't apply if you're willing to share and a room-mate can be arranged
Flowers, especially Orchids. Birds and Butterflies. Also Churches and Viking Sites.
One leader for a group of up to 6, two leaders up to the maximum group size of 12.
All flights. All transport, accommodation and meals in Sweden. Services of your leaders. Please note: drinks, tips, and items of a personal nature including travel insurance, are not included.
Flower, bird and butterfly checklists are available.
We have the entire week at the Tofta Strandpensionat, a comfortable hotel set in a tranquil spot by a beach and a small nature reserve on the Western Baltic shore of Gotland. All rooms on this holiday are en-suite.
No more than two or three miles in any one day, and always at a slow pace, ideally suited to photography.
UK return flights are from London Heathrow or Manchester* to Visby, via Stockholm. Other indirect routes from regional UK Airports* may be available.
*These routes may incur a supplement.
Usually warm and sunny, with some rain likely, occasionally prolonged.
Contact us to check if there is availability for the number of places you require. Click on the ‘Book this Tour’ button on this page to be taken to the online booking form or contact us and we will send one to you which you can complete and send back to us. You will receive confirmation of your place, and then a detailed information pack will be dispatched to you about twelve weeks before departure. This will contain up-to-date health information.