
Fiona Dunbar

Fiona Dunbar is a graduate in Ecology from the University of East Anglia She has worked for three years with the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles of Crete as a conservation project leader, and as the Divemaster for the Bermuda Biological Station. Fiona co-founded Greentours with Ian Green in 1993 and has been a pivotal part of the company for the last 25 years. She has lead over 35 tours and will be leading in Crete, Gotland, the Rockies and Vancouver Island this year. Fiona’s drawings are the soul of our brochure and she designed and updates the superb Greentours website. Always an enthusiastic leader, she can’t wait to get back out in the field!

Leading on the following tours

Asia Natural World Tours
Africa Natural World Tours Wildlife at Leisure
Europe Natural World Tours

Spili and the White Mountains

Crete 4th Apr - 18th Apr 2025 (15 days)

Europe Wildlife at Leisure
Europe Natural World Tours
Europe Natural World Tours
Americas Natural World Tours
Europe Natural World Tours
Europe Natural World Tours
Asia Australasia Natural World Tours