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Central Italian Alps

Stelvio National Park

The variety and abundance of flowers to be found in the outstandingly scenic Stelvio National Park has to be seen to be believed. Usually scarce plants such as Soldanella pusilla and the orchids Nigritella rhellicani and Gymnadenia odoratissima occur in mind-boggling numbers.

Roads take us up to 2700m passes where we can admire alpine beauties such as Ranunculus glacialis and we’ll soon be enjoying Papaver aurantiacum, much Saxifraga caesia, Ranunculus parnassifolius, and abundant Ranunculus alpestris. Marmots whistle their annoyance as Lammergeiers pass overhead, whilst on rocks around us are pink-purple Saxifraga oppositifolia, endemic Saxifraga aphylla, Saxifraga androsacea, Arabis caerulea and Pritzelago alpina.

Silky Ringlet floats over gorgeous Primula glutinosa, the first of ten species of this choice genus. These include Primula daonensis and fine Primula glaucescens, the latter two much lower down in the wild Crocedomani where we’ll have superb views of the southern parts of Adamello Natural Park. This area is rich in orchids. Burnt-tip Orchids and Small White Orchids mix with various Dactylorhizas and the Globe Orchids are superb. There are several stunning Pedicularis species, Soldanella alpina, Astragalus penduliflorus, Centaurea rhaetica with fine feathery bracts, and superb Saxifraga hostii rhaetica on rocks. Apollo, Purple-edged Copper, Glandon Blue, Swiss Brassy Ringlet, Almond-eyed Ringlet and Alpine Heath are found on the approach to the Gavia Pass. Here we’ll find plenty of Edelweiss as well as Gentiana punctata, Saxifraga seguieri and the locally common and very pretty Phyteuma hedraianthifolium. A walk along the beautiful Val Viola will provide some choice butterflies such as Cranberry Blue, Scarce Copper, Eriphyle Ringlet and various Fritillaries. Here rchitectural Sempervivum wulfenii draws us to rocks where we’ll find smaller gems such as Arenaria marschlinsii and Draba thomasii. The Bergamasche Orobienne Alps are home to beautiful Aquilegia einseleana and the exceptional Campanula raineri. We’ll also find elegant Viola dubyana, endemic Telekiaspeciosissima and Linaria tonzigii, a very choice toadflax indeed. These glorious heights are also home to Nutcrackers, Snowfinches, Gentiana orbicularis, Cyclamen purpurascens, Paradisea liliastrum, Dianthus hyssopifolius, Yellow-banded Ringlet and the rare Little Fritillary…

Cynthia’s Fritillary © Karen Nichols

Dates and Prices

28th June - 6th July 2025 (9 days)

London - London £2,695
Venice - Milan £2,395
Single Supplement* £235
Deposit £200

* doesn't apply if you're willing to share and a room-mate can be arranged

or ask us a question.

Tour Summary

Day 1
to Borno
Day 2
Brescian Prealps
Day 3
Bergamasche Orobienne Alps
Day 4
the Gavia Pass
Days 5 - 8
Stelvio National Park
Day 9

Tour information


Meadow and Alpine Flowers. Also Butterflies, Birds and Mountain Landscapes.


Paul Cardy , Stefano Doglio

Group Size

One leader for a group of up to 6, two leaders up to 12, and a third leader will join the group up to the maximum group size of 15.

Included in the Price

All flights. All transport, accommodation and meals in the Alps. Services of your leaders. Please note: drinks, tips and items of a personal nature such as travel insurance, are not included.
Flower, butterfly and bird checklists are available.


For the first three nights we stay at the Hotel Korallo in pretty Borno. This small hotel has comfortable rooms, welcoming staff and is handily situated for evening ambles around the little town. Stunning views of the surrounding Stelvio National Park can be had from every room in the lovely Hotel Vedig. This swiss-chalet style family-run hotel has comfortable rooms and a great restaurant. All rooms at both hotels have en suite facilities.


Relaxed and easy. Up to two or three miles on some days though less on others, and always at a slow pace, suited to flower and butterfly photographers. Mostly on well-constructed footpaths, but the best flowers and butterflies are often some yards away on steeper slopes or rougher ground.


UK direct flights are from various London airports, Edinburgh* or Manchester* to Venice Marco Polo, returning from Milan. Indirect routes from regional UK Airports* are available.

*These routes may incur a supplement.


Generally warm and sunny though cooler wet conditions may be encountered on the odd day.

Suggested Variations

Why not combine this holiday with the Dolomites (AGS) tour? The Italian Alps Your leader/s will transport you between the two.

Another superb option would be to continue on to the Maritime Alps where a dazzling show of Saxifrages, Columbines, Louseworts, Violets and Gentians adorn alpine meadows. Stelvio and Mercantour National Parks Again your leader/s will transport you between the two.

Or for a spectacular three-week tour through the Alps do both! The Alps

How to Book

Contact us to check if there is availability for the number of places you require. Click on the ‘Book this Tour’ button on this page to be taken to the online booking form or contact us and we will send one to you which you can complete and send back to us. You will receive confirmation of your place, and then a detailed information pack will be dispatched to you about twelve weeks before departure. This will contain up-to-date health information.

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