Irises Galore
28th May 2022
Kurt has just come back from the Iris Odyssey to Eastern Turkey and Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan is a corner of the world that every iris fan should visit and Eastern Turkey is even better. (NB more pictures added on 1st June!)
This year the region had a tremendously cold and long winter with high snowfall. Though spring had arrived by the time our intrepid group wandered these scenic montane steppes, the season was seriously delayed. Still the majority of species were seen and our group certainly had their best ever experience with a magnificent show of Iris gatesii on Halkis Mountain. And the late season meant that many of the early bulb shows were just exceptional. Have a flick through these truly memorable pictures… no excuse made for there being several pictures of some species! Anyone wanting to see these beauties should look at our Lake Van trip for 2023.