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The Dolomites


Wildflowers of the Bernese Oberland

The Bernese Oberland transports us back to a by-gone era in more ways than one. Beautiful alpine and subalpine meadows backed by the timeless Swiss Alps have changed little since a century ago.  In Wengen, our base for the entire trip, the timber-framed buildings and Belle Epoque hotels are only enhanced by the town’s car-free policy. Indeed our tour is a car and minibus-free tour! A wonderful network of mountain railways, cablecars and trails allows easy access to the breathtaking scenery, botanically rich alpine meadows, and spruce forests from our delightfully positioned hotel.

Schilthorn © Dominico Convertini

The idyllic meadows of yore are exactly what we find in the lovely Wengenalp where we’ll walk through swathes of Globeflowers mixed with Spiked Rampion, the unusual Yellow Bellflower, Small Yellow Foxglove, Great Yellow Gentian, and the lovely pink and yellow Shrubby Milkwort. By streams are Tofield’s Asphodel and Leafy Lousewort, and there are abundant Broad-leaved Marsh Orchids as well as occasional Small White Orchid and Round-headed Orchid.

A Funicular takes us to the Kleine Scheidegg, where we’ll encounter a rich alpine tapestry of Fairy’s Thimble, Yellow Whitlow-grass, Short-leaved Gentian and Long-spurred Pansy all backed by magnificent views of the North Face of the Eiger. Dry lichen-encrusted slopes are home to Mountain Avens, Creeping Azalea and Rhododendron ferrugineum, whilst Spring Heath and Snowdon Lily cling to rocky ledges, also home to Auricula and the Stinking Primrose. Mannlichen’s turf is littered with alpine gems such as Spring Gentian, White Crocus, Birdseye Primrose, a heaven made more so by the views of the Grindlewald and Schynige Platte. A cable car takes us to the Schilthorn where by the snows are sheets of Glacier Crowfoot, in white and pink dress. Perfect littles domes of Alpine Rock-Jasmine and Swiss Rock-Jasmine would not look out of place on an AGS showbench! First, a ridge above Grindlewald, again reached without strain due to the cable cars, is always full of Least Snowbells and we’ll find the equally diminutive Dwarf Snowbell too. Blind Ringlet can be seen here and Alpine Chough too. Both Yellow Pasque Flower and Spring Pasque Flower decorate the alpine meadows alongside Sequier’s Buttercup. Trickles of meltwater encourage beautiful Verticillate Lousewort and white and yellow Alpine Butterwort, whilst Purple Saxifrage, Alpine Toadflax, Round-leaved Pennycress and the gorgeous Mt. Cenis Pansy flower prolifically on rocks.

Soldanella alpina © Jean Luc Baron
Hepatica nobilis © Jean Luc Baron

We’ll also explore the forests of Winteregg and Biglenalp where blooming along the pleasant undulating trails are Betony-leaved Rampion, Black Rampion, Martagon Lily, Whorled Solomon’s Seal, Wolfsbane, Dark Columbine and Large Yellow Foxglove. There’s more botanical excitement under the trees in the shape of Coralroot Orchid, the lovely Hepatica and One-flowered Wintergreen as well as the extremely well-camouflaged Lesser Twayblade. Orchids thrive along the forest edge especially Red Helleborine and Dark Red Helleborine and Lady’s Slipper Orchids will be a fine sight. On our final full day in Wengen we’ll visit the world-renowned Schynige Platte Garden. Over six hundred native species are to be found within the property which also has outstanding views of the Eiger and Jungfrau.

Dates and Prices

15th June - 22nd June 2025 (8 days)

London to London £2,495
Zurich to Zurich £2,295
Single Supplement* £355
Deposit £250

* doesn't apply if you're willing to share and a room-mate can be arranged

or ask us a question.

Tour Summary

Day 1
Arrive Zurich and train to Wengen
Day 2
Kleine Scheideg and Wengenalp
Day 3
Day 4
Schilthorn & Winteregg
Day 5
Day 6
Grindlewald and First
Day 7
Day 8
Train to Zurich and departure

Tour information


Flowers and Wengen’s Landscapes.


Julia Corden , Amanda Borrows

Group Size

One leader for a group of up to 8, two leaders up to the maximum group size of 15.

Included in the Price

All flights. All transport, meals and accommodation in Switzerland. Services of your leaders. Please note: drinks, tips, and items of a personal nature including travel insurance, are not included.


The Hotel Bellevue could hardly be better situated, surrounded by beautiful meadows and forests at the edge of Wengen. This characterful hotel has been operating for over a century so they know a thing or two about how to run a successful and welcoming hotel. The current owner is Judith Engi, a friend of your tour leader’s – Judith takes a very active part in running the hotel and when she’s not in the restaurant or the reception you can find her in the garden or out jogging. The rooms are light and airy, the décor traditional, and the restaurant excellent. All rooms have en suite facilities.


Relaxed and easy. Up to seven or eight miles on some days though less on others, and always at a slow pace, suited to flower and butterfly photographers. Mostly on well-constructed footpaths or tracks, but the best flowers are often some metres away on steeper slopes or rougher ground.


UK return flights to Zurich are available from a number of UK Airports. Other indirect routes from regional UK Airports* are available.
*These routes may incur a supplement.


Generally warm and sunny though cooler wet conditions may be encountered on the odd day.

How to Book

Contact us to check if there is availability for the number of places you require. Click on the ‘Book this Tour’ button on this page to be taken to the online booking form or contact us and we will send one to you which you can complete and send back to us. You will receive confirmation of your place, and then a detailed information pack will be dispatched to you about twelve weeks before departure. This will contain up-to-date health information.